Using cutting-edge technology, business process automation (BPA) allows for the mechanization of previously labor-intensive business processes. A business process is any activity, or set of activities, performed by an organization to accomplish some strategic goal, such as the development of a product, the onboarding of new employees, or the acquisition of new customers.

Some of the many advantages to business that process automation from Educli can bring are as follows:

  • increased productivity – focus on targeted tasks
  • lower costs – monthly installments instead of outright purchase
  • reduced error rates – quality control system in place
  • greater employee satisfaction – end of switching between tabs and sheets
  • higher revenues – finance management
  • better customer service – fast and easy access to information
  • insight into process success and failures 
  • better auditing and compliance

The potential for lost paperwork is reduced when using a customer relationship management system. Assuming the process steps are well-defined and leave little room for human interpretation, and the process automation system effectively notifies the right people when human intervention is required, the process can be completed with minimal delay. Eliminating human involvement in repetitive, mechanical tasks improves productivity and reduces human error. As a result of workflow automation, workers are freed up to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Are you prepared to take the next step in student management? Integrate software you use regularly with the Educli Platform through API. By keeping track of relevant data in a CRM, employees can more easily have meaningful conversations with new hires and give them context for their work. Without having to sift through piles of paper, you can more efficiently organize leads so that you can quickly find the information you need.

It is no secret that many businesses have trouble smoothly integrating their sales and marketing departments. And yet, why? Collaboration between marketing and admission departments is more important than ever as the purchase cycle becomes ever more complex due to technological advancements.

Sometimes it is not clear who to blame when there is a disconnect between the two branches of an organization. The problem lies in the organization’s antiquated practices and infrastructure. Conflicts emerge when the marketing and sales departments each employ unique approaches to reach their respective goals. Fortunately, marketing automation may help by increasing sales, improving the quality of leads, and automating processes that were previously done manually, such as lead assignment and follow-up.

Educli can help you evaluate your institution’s current level of process automation and provide suggestions for how to advance. Visit Educli or contact us today for more information.


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