Guide to Genuine Student Requirement for Australian Student Visas


The Australian Government has replaced the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement with the Genuine Student (GS) requirement for student visas, effective from March 23, 2024. This new requirement applies to all student visa applications lodged on or after this date. 


Understanding the Genuine Student (GS) Requirement

To be granted a student visa, applicants must demonstrate that they are genuine students whose primary purpose for coming to Australia is to study. The GS requirement focuses on students who, after completing their studies, develop skills needed by Australia and may apply for permanent residence.


Key Criteria for GS Assessment


Applicants must provide detailed information on the following aspects:


  1. Current Circumstances
    • Ties to family, community, employment, and economic circumstances


  1. Reason for Choosing the Course and Education Provider
    • Explanation of why the applicant chose the specific course and provider.
    • Understanding of course requirements and living conditions in Australia.


  1. Benefits of Completing the Course
    • How the course will benefit the applicant in their home country or future career.


  1. Additional Relevant Information
    • Any other information that supports the applicant’s intention to study in Australia.


Providing Evidence

Applicants must attach supporting documents to their ImmiAccount. Generic statements without evidence will not be given significant weight. It is crucial to provide evidence for claims made in the application.


Types of Evidence to Include


Previous Study

  • Academic transcripts showing qualifications achieved.
  • Names of education providers and length of study.
  • Certificates of attainment.


Previous Study in Australia

  • Complete history of study records in Australia.
  • Reasons for changing courses or education providers.
  • Details on course progress and any study gaps of more than two months.


Current Employment

  • Details of current employer, company address, and period of employment.
  • Position held and contact details of a person who can confirm employment circumstances.


Circumstances in Home Country or Country of Residence

  • Nature of personal ties (family, community, employment) and reasons for not studying in the home country if a similar course is available.
  • Economic circumstances, including employment or business activities, potential employment offers after course completion, and income tax returns or bank statements.
  • Reasons and evidence for leaving the home country due to political unrest or military commitments.


Assessment Process


The GS criterion evaluates the student’s intention to genuinely study in Australia, considering the following factors:


Situations in Home Country

  • Reasons for not studying in the home country if a similar course is available.
  • Nature of personal ties and economic circumstances.
  • Military service commitments and political or civil unrest.


Potential Situation in Australia

  • Knowledge of the proposed course and education provider.
  • Previous study and qualifications.
  • Planned living arrangements and financial stability.


Value of the Course to Future Prospects

  • Consistency of the course with the applicant’s current level of education and future employment prospects.
  • Relevance to past or proposed future employment.
  • Expected salary and benefits obtained with the qualifications from the proposed course.


Immigration History

  • Visa and travel history for Australia and other countries.
  • Previous visa applications, refusals, or cancellations.
  • Intentions of the parent, legal guardian, or spouse if the applicant is a minor.


Additional Information

  • Any other relevant information the applicant wishes to include.


Example Scenarios

Example 1: Recent High School Graduate



Maria, a recent high school graduate from the Philippines, applies for a student visa to study a Bachelor of Nursing at an Australian university.


Current Circumstances:

Maria provides details of her family ties, community involvement, and part-time employment in the Philippines.


Reason for Choosing the Course:

Maria explains that Australia’s advanced healthcare system and the high-quality nursing program at her chosen university are the reasons for her choice. She understands the course requirements and living conditions in Australia.


Benefits of Completing the Course:

Maria states that obtaining a Bachelor of Nursing from Australia will significantly enhance her employment prospects in the Philippines, where qualified nurses are in high demand.


Supporting Evidence:

Maria attaches her high school transcripts, certificates, employment records, and letters of recommendation.


Example 2: Working Professional



Arvinder, a software engineer from India, applies for a student visa to pursue a Master of Information Technology at an Australian university.


Current Circumstances:

Arvinder details his current employment, including his employer’s address, period of employment, and the position held. He provides contact details for his supervisor.


Reason for Choosing the Course:

Arvinder explains that the Master’s program in Australia offers advanced courses that are not available in India. He chose this specific university because of its strong industry connections and research facilities.


Benefits of Completing the Course:

Arvinder believes that completing this course will enhance his technical skills and lead to better job opportunities, including potential roles in multinational companies in India.


Supporting Evidence:

Arvinder attaches his academic transcripts, employment records, letters from his employer, and proof of financial stability.



The GS requirement ensures that student visa applicants are genuinely coming to Australia to study. By providing detailed and supported information about their circumstances, reasons for choosing their course, and future benefits, applicants can demonstrate their genuine intention to study in Australia and meet the GS criteria.