Book of the week:

Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike


Shoe Dog is a captivating memoir that takes readers on an exhilarating journey through the tumultuous yet triumphant creation of Nike, one of the world’s most iconic and successful brands. Narrated by Nike’s co-founder Phil Knight, the book provides a deeply personal account of the challenges, sacrifices, and victories encountered on the path to building a global athletic empire.


Knight’s narrative is refreshingly candid and introspective, offering readers an intimate glimpse into the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. From the humble beginnings of selling shoes out of the trunk of his car to navigating legal battles and financial crises, Knight’s storytelling is infused with raw emotion and unwavering determination.


What sets Shoe Dog apart is Knight’s ability to capture the essence of the entrepreneurial spirit – the relentless pursuit of a vision in the face of adversity. His vivid descriptions of the people he encountered along the way, from business partners to athletes, add depth and authenticity to the narrative, making it a truly immersive read.


Beyond the business insights, Shoe Dog is ultimately a tale of perseverance, resilience, and the power of belief. Knight’s unwavering passion for his mission to revolutionize the athletic footwear industry serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and dreamers alike.


In conclusion, Shoe Dog is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration, motivation, or simply a captivating story of ambition and achievement. Knight’s memoir is a testament to the transformative power of entrepreneurship and the indomitable human spirit.


Available from Amazon at Shoe Dog.