Just recently, international education in the UK, Canada, and Australia has changed drastically. The global education landscape was transformed by these changes, which were largely implemented without industry input. Educators, policymakers, and international students are concerned about these rapid changes. Many are nervous about these changes because the operators in the sector were left in the dark until the last moment.


The sudden regulatory changes have put more than just private providers in a vulnerable position. Historically, these entities have played a crucial role in the international education ecosystem, offering diverse options to students and contributing significantly to the host countries’ economies. The abrupt policy shifts could jeopardise the sustainability of many such institutions, affecting not only their financial health but also ability to attract and retain international students in general.


I have been wondering if there is an upcoming possibility – emergence of a privatised model of international education. As traditional players struggle to navigate regulatory change, “new” entities may enter the market. Newcomers with significant financial resources and innovative business models could capitalize on the industry turmoil to gain a foothold. Acquiring assets at discounted prices may encourage these entities to invest in the sector, reshaping the international education landscape.


A change like this could be major. It may introduce new perspectives, technologies, and methods to international education, improving quality and accessibility for students worldwide. On the other hand, education commodification, where profit drives education, is still a risk.


The COVID-19 pandemic, work-from-home, and online learning made edtech popular. We at Educli believe that international education will be significantly changed and disrupted again. 


We can only navigate these turbulent times and create a resilient, dynamic, and accessible education system for students worldwide through consultation and dialogue. As the situation evolves, it will be crucial to monitor the effects of these sudden policy changes on the global educational landscape and international students, who drive this industry.


Let me know your thoughts in the comments.


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