Learn how to put together this cover letter and secure your scholarship at an American university!

The difference between the forms of admission to North American and other countries higher education are several, and among the many steps knowing the importance of an essay, is the first step to ensure your approval in an international degree! But why is it so important? Well, that’s what we’ll talk about next!

Know what essay is!
The dream of graduating abroad is something that inhabits the imagination of many students, and among the most sought after destinations, the United States always ranks first. Therefore, knowing the steps, which confer the selection process in North American universities, is indispensable for those seeking to live an academic experience in the country, which concentrates the best higher education institutions in the world.

But what does this have to do with essay?
All! Since the essay is nothing more than a step in terms of admission to an American university. As a result, the most selective schools in the US asks, along with letters of recommendation, transcripts and entrance exam results, a writing in which the prospective student should tell his or her story. The reason for this is related to the fact that many students perform well in their applications, but to differentiate them and learn more about their experiences, the personal dissertation is how the admissions committee will know if the candidate’s personality fits in with the educational institution. Although we have focused more on the United States, for scholarships in England or any other foreign university this kind of presentation is pretty much the bridge between you and your approval.

How does undergraduate work in the United States?
Quite different from other countries, in the United States, the student who has just entered a higher education institution will not have direct contact with the chosen degree. Don’t get it yet?

Known as College, this first stage, which takes place in the first two years of an American undergraduate degree, aims to have the same subjects, which are considered fundamental to promote the student’s intellectual development. After this period, the student will be able to choose the subjects that will contemplate their academic formation.

Common mistakes made in an essay!
Knowing how to apply to study abroad is also to be aware of the mistakes that many students make. Of these errors with regard to essay, the lack of sincerity, without a doubt, is the greatest. This is because, in order to impress the academic committee and sound smarter, the student ends up creating a persona that does not match his real self.
Ideally, you should talk about something that really means something that has, in turn, changed your life, as admissions officers look for motivated students who are willing to honor the name of the academy.
It is also worth remembering that poor writing quality is another point that may prevent you from entering a US university. Therefore, apart from the fluency in English, which is fundamental, it is important that you can write good English texts, respecting the standard of the language and provide a suitable vocabulary for the type of text.
The way you will position yourself on the subject chosen for your essay will also contribute to your admission, think that admissions officers read about 50 texts a day, so, to get your attention, it is important that your text be fluid and arouse the interest of the appraiser.

Now that you know what essay is, let’s practice?!