LLN Speaking test

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • [For the test interlocutor: Read the verbal instructions to candidates in a normal voice, do not slow your speech down unnaturally. If the candidate needs repetition they should ask for it. Explain that there are three sections: “Firstly I will ask you about yourself and your family. Next we will discuss work and study plans and goals, then finally we will talk about your plans for living in Sydney and the test will finish.”

    Opener: “Thank you for taking this test as part of the enrolment process for City Institute.”


    Try to elicit stories rather than single word or sentence length answers (avoid spoon feeding the questions one by one) – what you are looking for is:

    1. ability to sustain a narrative for a minute, compare and contrast, describe and explain on easy topics
    2. ability to talk/ use a few sentences on an unfamiliar topic
    3. ability to wonder or speculate on an abstract topic
    4. ability to sustain conversation between you and him/her including asking relevant questions.


    Each section has two parts – the first for basic information and the second for more detailed information, treat the first part as a warm up and the second part as a test.

    This speaking test may take 5 minutes for very strong candidates or 15 minutes for weaker ones. You may adapt the sections and questions as long as each of the four components have been demonstrated. The last section is supposed to reduce candidate’s stress and allow for the candidate to relax before completing the test.]


    There are three parts to this test.

    Part A – You and your family, lifestyle

    Part B – Work and study plans and goals

    Part C – Life in Sydney, conclusion.

  • PART A

  • Your Answer

  • Your Answer
  • PART B

  • Your Answer

  • Your Answer
  • PART C

  • Your Answer